Psychological Support for Infected Blood Scandal Victims & Bereaved Family Members

Inquiry Support

A dedicated psychological support service is available to all individuals impacted by treatment with infected blood or blood products as part of the ongoing support during the Infected Blood Inquiry. This includes not only those who were directly infected but also bereaved family members who have been affected by the tragedy.

The British Red Cross manages this service and it has been operational since September 2018. The team offers confidential support, recognising the emotional and psychological toll of the Inquiry.

Contact Details for the Support Service:

  • Phone Support: The British Red Cross team can be reached at:

    • 0800 458 9473

    • 0203 417 0280

  • Available Times:

    • Mondays from 11 am to 1 pm

    • Wednesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm

    • Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm

  • Voicemail Service: Outside these hours, you can leave a voicemail message. The team endeavours to return calls as promptly as possible, ideally on the same day. Please note that return calls may appear as a private or withheld number.

The service is designed to accommodate additional capacity, ensuring that everyone who needs support can access it. The level of service is regularly reviewed to maintain its effectiveness and sufficiency.

Support Scheme Access

The various Infected Blood Support Schemes may provide access to psychological support. For the most up-to-date information and eligibility, we suggest you check with your local support scheme:

England -

Wales -

Scotland -

NI - 

Terrence Higgins Trust

The Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) can provide access to a specialised talking therapies service, catering to individuals who were infected with HIV through contaminated blood products and their bereaved family members. This service is designed to address the unique emotional and psychological challenges this group faces, particularly in light of the distressing experiences from the past and the ongoing Infected Blood Public Inquiry.

THT also offers a valuable peer support program, specifically designed for individuals impacted by the Contaminated Blood Scandal, both those infected and their family members.