Factor 8

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Andy Burnham


  1. 10.31 - “At the time, I accepted what I was told” - Is it his belief now that this was not the case?

  2. 10.32 - Is it right to understand that, in essence, he believes officials were using the prospect of selling off BPL as a threat not to bring forward the review?

  3. 21.10 - Is it correct that at this time, he began to understand from those impacted that one of the differences between Hillsborough and Infected Blood, in terms of campaigning, was that Hillsborough was a very visual event that occured in one place, on one day (similar to Grenfell) but that for Infected Blood, there was no one day, no specific place and many impacted felt they could not speak out which made the campaign all the more difficult?

  4. 21.12 - Would he agree that this approach meant that some of those impacted (eg parents/children) were left behind in terms of financial support?


  1. DHSC5579814 - Page 3 - Does he know what is meant by “managed situation”?

  2. DHSC6476223 - Looking back on this now, would he agree that the position was unfair?

  3. PMOS0000191

    1. "The lessons learnt from the tragedy..." - Was he ever made aware of any lessons DH had learned?

      1. Is there any basis for the use of this?

    2. Is it right to understand that the central logistical reason relied on here for there being no fault is that "it was not possible to test donors"? (NB: It may be worth contrasting this to the line, as per my questions already submitted, from Alan Milburn’s time which primarily relied on the argument that heat-treatment has not become available, which is absent here.)

    3. Is he concerned now that the reference to risk makes no mention of consideration by the patient?

  4. PMOS0000192

    1. "you can write to the Trustees declining to accept payment if you so wish" - Would he agree this is sarcastic, perhaps passive aggressive? Is that appropriate?

  5. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2015-01-15b.1068.0 GR: “is it not also the case, and therefore a failure of successive Governments, in the plural, and Ministers, in the plural, that officials advise and Ministers decide? That is part of the failure so far.” AB: “I believe that it is.”  Does that remain his view?

  6. Glaziers & Window Breakers

    1. Page 73 - "And to protect them from health risks." - That is part of the job of SoS as he sees it?

    2. Page 74 - “You have to be able to override systems, and the requirements for public safety and good governance means that politicians will occasionally have to step in.” - Can he expand on this? Why is this important?

    3. Page 75 - “But there will be moments where, because it’s there, you can use it to its full benefit to protect the public. That is what we did and although swine flu wasn’t as bad as people feared, it was frightening for a while.“ - So in other words a precautionary approach? Why was this approach important?

  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxlvcjqcyhggx72/FOI%201104648.pdf?dl=0

    1. Can he provide details of the conversation referred to in this document?

  8. Are there any particular individuals that he believes it important to give evidence to this inquiry?